The industrial PhD student will be hosted by RISE’s Cybersecurity Unit in Stockholm and will be enrolled in Karlstad University in Sweden.

About us
The RISE Cybersecurity Unit is among the largest public-sector cybersecurity research groups in Sweden. Our core areas of expertise are: IoT Security, Cloud Security, Communication Security, Access Control, Privacy (technical and social aspects), and Secure Virtualization and Trusted Computing. The Cybersecurity unit is the European leader in IoT security research & development. The lab members are working on IoT security since 2009 and the unit is currently running 8 large scale IoT security projects.

Project Description
The research project work at RISE will be carried out in close collaboration with other researchers at Karlstad University and other academic and industry partners of the Swedish industrial graduate school SIGS-CyberSec, which is funded by the Swedish Knowledge Foundation (KKS). Individuals with experimental/systems or theoretical profiles and research interests in any aspect of security and privacy are very welcome to apply. In particular, prior experiences or knowledge with security and/or privacy topics related to computer networking/5G/6G or IoT will be of interest.

The doctoral student is mainly expected to engage in doctoral studies. The doctoral program consists of 240 higher education credits, including the doctoral thesis, and 120 higher education credits for a licentiate degree. The position is for four years but may be extended by department duties (at most 20%).

Who are you?
We are looking for highly motivated candidates to pursue a PhD in security and privacy. As a candidate for this PhD position, you must have (at the time of the start of the project) a Master of Science degree in computer science / information security or related areas. Expertise and experience in cybersecurity will be a significant part of the selection process. Excellent study results, in particular in courses related to cybersecurity, computer networking and distributed systems, mathematics, and computer programming would be an edge. Good command in both spoken and written English is required.

Welcome with your application!
The final application date is October 22, 2023. Your application should include a description of yourself, your research interests, reasons for applying for this particular PhD position and past experience (max. 3 pages), a CV, copies of relevant university degrees and transcripts, relevant publications, a copy of your MSc thesis and other relevant documents. You are also encouraged to provide contact information to up to 3 reference persons as well as your earliest possible date for starting.

If you have any questions about the research position, please contact Prof. Shahid Raza, Director of Cybersecurity unit at RISE, tel. +46 – 768831797,

For questions about PhD studies at Karlstad University or the SIGS-CyberSec industrial graduate school, you can contact Prof. Simone Fischer-Hübner, tel. +46 54 – 700 17 23,

Our union representatives are Lazaros Tsantaridis, Sveriges Ingenjörer (SACO), 010-228 41 22, and Bertil Svensson, Unionen, 010-516 53 56.

Working in Sweden
Sweden is a fantastic place for living and working. Swedes are friendly and speak excellent English. The quality of life is high, with a strong emphasis on outdoor activities. The Swedish working climate emphasizes an open atmosphere, with active discussions involving both junior and senior staff. All PhD students and Postdocs are full employees, with standard salaries and five weeks of paid holiday. The starting salary of PhD student is currently 32000 SEK/month. Spouses of employees are entitled to work permits, and, after being awarded a PhD degree, non-EU-citizens are eligible for permanent work permits. Healthcare is free after a small co-pay and RISE provides additional occupational health services and subsidizes athletic costs (4000 SEK per year) such as a gym membership. The parental benefits in Sweden are among the best in the world, including extensive parental leave (for both parents), paid time off to care for sick children, and affordable day-care.

First day of employment Enligt överenskommelse
Salary Fast månadslön
City Kista
County Stockholms län
Country Sweden
Reference number 2023/499
  • Shahid Raza, +46–768831797
  • Simone Fischer-Hübner, +4654–7001723
Union representative
  • Lazaros Tsantaridis, SACO, 010-5166221
  • Bertil Svensson, Unionen, 010-5165356
Last application date 22.Oct.2023 11:59 PM CEST

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