The electric power system is foreseen to play an even further central role in the future energy system with an increased electrification and transition towards sustainability. Do you have an interest in research and innovation for an efficient and sustainable power system? Do you want to contribute to the development by modeling and simulation of electricity markets and trading to analyze the impact of policy, market design and trading strategies?

About us
RISE Electric Power Systems is now looking for a junior modeler and analyst to increase our capabilities to meet an increasing demand for research and development projects in electricity markets and trading. The electric power system is foreseen to play a vital future role through e.g. the electrification of industry and transport sectors, significantly increasing the demand of electricity and requiring large investments in generation, transmission and distribution, as well as in storage and digitalization. RISE contributes to this development with analyses and solutions by initiating and conducting research, innovation and development projects in collaboration with companies, universities and public actors.

About the role
RISE has increasing activities within electric power systems with an expanding portfolio of research and innovation projects combining technical and economic perspectives. The transition of the energy and electric power system raises new challenges and opportunities, and we are experiencing a growing demand of applied research. We now have an open position to strengthen our capability to perform research and analyses in electricity market economics, design and trading. In the role as junior modeler and analyst you are expected to work in research projects with developing models and performing analyses regarding electricity markets, trading and scheduling. You will be a part of a team together with researchers and analysts, supporting and contributing with market modeling and simulations. With time you are also expected to contribute in development of new projects within the area of power markets and trading.

Who are you?
You are newly graduated or have a few years of work experience, preferably from the electricity or energy sector. You have a MSc degree or similar level of academic degree. Suitable educational backgrounds include electrical engineering (with markets), economics, financial economics, or applied mathematics. Knowledge in optimization and mathematical programming is considered highly valuable for this position, and so is experience from programming or model implementation in software such as Matlab, Python, GAMS or similar. You are proactive, creative and open to new challenges. The work will involve contacts with external project partners and customers, and applicants should therefore have strong communicative skills.

Location for this position is Stockholm, but also Gothenburg could be considered.

Welcome with your application!
For more information about this position, please contact the Director of the Electric Power Systems unit manager Magnus Brolin, 010-516 58 31. The closing date is 21 march 2022.

Our union representatives are: Lazaro Tsantaridis, SACO, 010-516 62 21 and Daniel Gäwerth, Unionen, 010-516 51 61.

Key words: Electric power systems, electricity markets, electricity trading, market design, modeling

Tillträde Enligt överenskommelse
Löneform Fast månadslön
Ort Stockholm
Län Stockholms län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2022/106
  • Magnus Brolin, +46 10 516 58 31
Facklig företrädare
  • Daniel Gäwerth, Unionen, 010-516 68 15
  • Lazaros Tsantaridis, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 010-516 62 21
Sista ansökningsdag 2022-03-22

Tillbaka till lediga jobb