When will an automated vehicle be safe enough for public roads?
At AstaZero you will contribute to enabling challenging tests of automated and connected vehicles to ensure the safe and sustainable traffic environment of tomorrow.

Take the chance and join our journey towards a safe automated and connected transport system and help us continue to be a world leader in verifying tomorrows automated and connected transport!

About us
AstaZero, (owned by RISE, Research Institutes of Sweden), is the world’s first full-scale independent test environment for future road safety. AstaZero has a unique capacity with its own proving ground and digital environments creating opportunities for conducting, supporting, and accelerating research and development in the transport sector.

We are now working to develop a solution for testing and validating cybersecurity in vehicles. This includes a coherent test and development chain from virtual simulations of safety features in a computer environment, through subsystem testing and testing of complete vehicles in a controlled hybrid environment, to driving tests in reality-like environments.

Absout the role
We are looking for a dedicated PhD student to strengthen our work within cybersecurity testing.

The different types of self-driving vehicles of the future must be safe in every way, including end-to-end cybersecurity in the information chain required to manage vehicle missions and remote operation for the vehicles. Cybersecurity testing for the development of automated vehicles is therefore becoming increasingly important, and new standards are emerging.

AstaZero, as Sweden’s test bed for the automated transport system, has a unique opportunity to serve as a playground for cybersecurity and your work will be an important part.

Since cybersecurity is a relatively new field to AstaZero, a great passion for the area is required, and the PhD student will be able to influence the future research and services to be developed.

The position is for four years but may be extended by department duties (at most 20%). The PhD education also includes participation in relevant courses.

Your work is mainly carried out at the development office at Lindholmen, with the flexibility to also work part time from home and University. Some activities will also take place at our proving ground outside Borås.

Your profile
You are driven by curiosity and have a passion for the Cyber security area. You like challenges and are focused and committed to delivering high quality.

  • You have a M.Sc. in Computer science, embedded systems, information security or related areas
  • You are fluent in English and understand Swedish.

Meritorious if you have

  • previous experience of software development
  • expertise and experience in embedded systems and security.

Great emphasis will be placed on personal characteristics.

Welcome with your application!
f you have questions regarding the position, please contact hiring manager at AstaZero:
Nadja Svahn, R&D manager, 0705-526163.

The last day to apply is 9th of January but we recommend that you apply as soon as possible since evaluation of candidates, selections and interviews are carried out continuously.

Our union representative is Henrik Biswanger, SACO, 010 516 61 57.

Tillträde According to agreement
Löneform According to agreement
Ort Göteborg
Län Västra Götalands län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2022/776
  • Nadja Svahn, 0705526163
Facklig företrädare
  • Henrik Biswanger, Sveriges Ingenjörer, 010-5166157
Sista ansökningsdag 2023-01-09

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