Do you have experience in corrosion and properties of stainless steel in demanding applications? Do you enjoy working on both longer projects and short assignments, all of which focus on a demand-driven technology development linked to societal and industrial challenges in both Sweden and internationally? Are you motivated taking the initiative to develop and carry out research projects and customer assignments? Then RISE has an interesting job for you!

About us
The Corrosion department of RISE offers an attractive workplace as one of Europe's leading corrosion research players with the mission to create Swedish industrial benefit through company-wide research. We are located in Kista north of Stockholm where we have large modern premises, as well as in Borås. In France, we have a wholly owned subsidiary with 45 employees also focused on corrosion research.

About the position
You will be working as a Senior Researcher in the corrosion department. You will have a role as one of the department's specialists related to corrosion of stainless steels in aggressive aqueous solutions, with special focus on applications within the process industry. You will be working with a range of different research and development projects as well as carrying out shorter industrial consultancy projects regarding corrosion of metallic materials with focus on, but not limited to, stainless steels. You will work closely with our industrial clients as well as other research entities, in for example our member program about material for biorefinery applications, mainly in Sweden but also internationally. You will be given an independent role while being part of a research team with close collaboration with your colleagues.

The placement for the position is Kista, Stockholm.

Please note that this position may mean that a security clearance is required, either later in this process or in the future.

Who are you?
You should have a university degree within material science, chemistry or engineering. Advanced knowledge related to corrosion of stainless steels, with at least 5 years industrial or research experience, is required. Knowledge of high alloyed steels for biorefinery and/or pulp and paper applications is meritorious, as well as knowledge related to corrosion of other metallic materials. You have a good theoretical understanding as well as interest and comprehension for laboratory and practical work.

We prioritise our customers and colleagues, so you should have a good ability to create working relationships with both. The job involves a lot of customer contact and therefore demands that you can express yourself clearly in English and preferably also Swedish, in both speaking and writing. As a person you are committed and driven, enjoy a high tempo environment and see solutions and opportunities rather than problems. You are well organised and have an interest in helping create new business and projects but also an ability to further develop existing ones.

Are we right for each other?
We can't promise you a simple job, but we can offer you many committed and enthusiastic colleagues and some exciting industrial and societal challenges. You will work in a dynamic environment that gives you development opportunities both professionally and personally. At RISE, we want you to succeed and feel good, because together with your colleagues you contribute to a sustainable future and to securing a leading position for Swedish industry and research globally.

Welcome with your application!
For more information about the position, please contact Andrew Gordon, Group manager, tel: +46 70 205 2055, Please note that we do not accept applications by email. 

You are welcome to submit your application as soon as possible, but the closing date for applications is July 31st, 2023. The position is a permanent position with a probationary period of 6 months.

Our union representatives are Lazaros Tsantaridis from SACO (010-516 62 21) and Bertil Svensson from Unionen (010-516 53 56).

Corrosion, research, stainless steel, RISE, Stockholm

Tillträde Enligt överenskommelse
Löneform Fast månadslön
Ort Kista
Län Stockholms län
Land Sverige
Referensnummer 2023/333
  • Andrew Gordon, +4670 2052055
Facklig företrädare
  • Lazaros Tsantaridis, SACO, 010-5166221
  • Bertil Svensson, Unionen, 010-5165356
Sista ansökningsdag 2023-07-31

Tillbaka till lediga jobb